English Degree
Click the tab below to find out about the English degree and certificates.
After obtaining an AA-T degree in English, students will demonstrate the ability to use critical thinking skills to analyze, question, and understand their relationship to intellectual and social traditions.
Students who major in English go on to a wide variety of careers. Proficiency in written English is a highly valued skill in hundreds of professions, and a broad knowledge of literature and culture is a basis for success in such areas as law, psychology, sociology, education, political science and many more. Students who major in English go on to pursue a variety of professions such as:
English AA-T
Full-time Faculty
Name | Contact Information |
Holly Batty |
James Bland | |
Gayle Fornataro | |
Patrick Hunter | |
Alison Jeffries | |
Verzhine Nikoghosyan | |
Susana Marcelo | |
Stacey Park | |
Kimberly Robeson | |
Elizabeth Thornton | |
Devon Werble | werbledm@laccd.edu |
Kristina Yegoryan |
Adjunct Faculty
Name | Contact Information |
Altman, Dylan |
altmandb@noujcf.com |
Antler, Abram | |
Atkinson, Dustin | |
Bachman, Tracy | |
Baldiwala, Fatema | |
Berliner, Jonathan | |
Besikof, Rudy | |
Bien, Alicia | |
Bishop, Vanessa | |
Botel, Tara | |
Brown, Beth | |
Carroll, Nancy | |
Collins, Glenn | |
Ghaffari, Ida | |
Jensen, Zachary |
Glick, Jessica |
Glover, Star | |
Hall, Debi | |
Harrington, Deborah | |
Meade, Colette | |
Moncada, Millie | |
Niwa, Jennifer | |
Oberman, Tracey | |
Payte, Trista | |
Petkovic, Sophia | |
Pincolini, Rebecca | pincolr@noujcf.com |
Rosow, La Vergne | |
Sahgal, Padma | |
Sakovich, Lauren | |
Salter, Lily | |
Smith, Jennifer | |
Thorne, Worley | hornerw@noujcf.com |
Walker, Elizabeth | walkerea@lahc.edu |
Wallis, William | |
Watkins, Vita |
Weigand, Scott | |
Yablon, Brian |
Faculty Profiles
Click below to learn about the English faculty.
Learn About English